Saturday, January 06, 2007

The child that I am

We walked along the shores of the sandy beaches
Hand in hand - happy for the new found company,
Happy with the new found pleasures,

But soon, like small kids in a fancy land,
Our vacillating minds led us to the scenes beyond..
The sea on one side and the tall palms on the other..
Promises of fortunes promises of assurance..
Of a world that would later be a void..

The sea fascinated me, the sun setting yonder,
Taking with her the last of her rays
And display her wares to another planet
That I could not visualize from here.

Enraptured by the promises untold,
And the possibilities manifold
I pulled away and ran towards the beckoning tides..
And he towards the swaying palms.

The first tide that came lifted me in her arms
Showing me the entire world spread out before me
And just as I was getting intoxicated,
She put me down - wanting not to carry me across..

Disappointed I was – the li’l child I were,
I knew that the candy in my hand was gone
And so was the promise of many more.
And I watched the footsteps being washed away,
From the layers of the impassive sand,
By the tireless waves of the vast seas.
My heart was slowly sinking,
Though twas quickly revived by a buoyant tide
Who was much more determined than her hesitant sister.

She took me by force and put me on the other side
To see for myself the undiscovered cave man’s land
That evoked in me a strange concoction of feelings –
Fascination, curiosity, pride and regret
And above all an emotion that I thought wouldn’t bother me much - yearning

The sun here never rose to kiss me morning
And the moon I never found enticing.
They were all there - figments of nature
Just to perform their regular routine

Was it the nature of the land or was it my rustic heart,
That needed the warmth of the hands
Of the stranger I knew not until a few moments ago
Whom I abandoned without any regret
On the sandy shores of yonder-land..
And whom I had entrusted my happiness to..

Standing alone on the other side,
Having crossed out the many lonely nights
I now wait for a tide to take me across
And sweep me into the safe embrace of his welcoming hands….