Sunday, December 30, 2007

Hear me lassie...

Oh my dear lassie, have you heard me?
Or has the conspiring wind carried the words
Of the vulgar townsfolk, before mine?

Do not heed their words my love,
For they know not their own mind.

One says the roses are poison
And so say the rest..

The would've treated you like the very plague,
And undressed you with their prejudiced tongues,

But remember my girl,
If you run away today,

You aren't running away from their wily games,
But are only cowering behind a transparent veil,

You are fleeing from the woods....into the jungle,

So turn around girl and show them all,

That if you are a coward, so are they all,
To have not the courage to speak out their thoughts,

That if you are a disgrace, so are they all,
To not have the ability to act rationally,

That if you are an outlaw, so are they all,
To have flouted the laws of their very conscience,

That if you are a woman, they never can be one,
For it is you who cause the world to move,
Yet shoulder the blame........for it all

Monday, December 03, 2007

The jasmine and the moon

The moon has risen in the shrouded sky,
Covering the grass below with its pale white glow.

Deep in her heart, she feared,
That she was no longer loved....
Or maybe she was never loved...

Just like the jasmine that blooms with his coming,
Exuding her scent through the night,
In the vain hope that he might realise,
How truly she loves his simple heart,
Only to be disillusioned, when he silently slips,
Beneath the distant horizon,
Not caring so much, for her shrivelling petals.