Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Random thoughts

Hi guys,
I'm someone totally new to blogging. (U might've written me off as a pre-historical mammal coz I've waited this long to've started blogging, but I'd still like to call myself a late entrant : ) ).
The one thing that propelled me towards doing this is that, all of a sudden, I had a sudden urge to publish all of my poems somewhere. Now, where did this poems thingy come from, u must be wondering. Actually, I am someone who writes when extremely depressed!! Sounds crazy? Well, not really coz I see poems as a way to vent my feelings for whatever issues, publicly but secretively. It is this unique combination of both characteristics that drew me to writing. There are quite a few times when you don't feel good about something, but can't tell that out for the fear that the person concerned may feel bad or offended and your intention is not that. In other cases, you might really want to come out with something, but will find no one waiting for you. Well, that's when I found the pen and paper next to me, and when I put it down, I felt a lot more relieved.
I'm not much of a writer and neither do I have what you can call a Shakespearean vocabulary, but I guess you can judge that for yourself now coz I'm gonna post my poems one by one on this blog and would really like it if you can give your interpretation of each one of these....

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