Sunday, July 09, 2006

The Mirage

In the unforgiving seas of golden sand,
Bathed in the crippling heat of the ruthless sun,
He dragged his feet, straining and panting,
Pushing his eyes to search for a drop
Of the elixir that until now, he had indulged generously in.

Looking further, near the horizon,
He found his refuge in the hazy shadow
Of the beguiling borders of the elusive oasis.

It would quench his thirst and give him life,
Once more, the last one, the womb.

Gathering what was left of his wasted body,
He pulled on for yards, perhaps miles
Always to find his refuge just beyond his reach.
Never too close to wet his throat,
Never too far to murder his hope…

Heartlessly she lured him, to the voids of hell
And ignorant to this, he pulled on with hope,
Until the last of his breaths
Abandoned him….
She had claimed her first victim,
And there were many more to follow…
The innocent souls that went in search.,
Of faith, life and truth.

1 comment:

Karthik Nagarajan said...

Faith, life and truth. These are the only things worth searching for, even through countless mirages. For a journey's end is not necessarily at one's destination, but on attainment of what one had set out to find in the first place.