Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Uninvited guests

Ploughing the way across the oceans,
Mountain land and desert,
I've come here as an uninvited guest -
to partake a meal with faces unknown...

Luscious fruits, wholesome produce, drinks aplenty
And treats untasted...
They all lay bare on the shiny new table -
Without claimants, without owners.

We sat at the table, with forks and knives
Ready to devour the sumptuous spread
Laid out by the virtuous hands of the heavenly hostess.

She hid behind the curtains,
In the shadows beyond;
Though none looked to her
To thank her selfless efforts,
For the food was there and the drinks to enjoy,
To keep us happy now and forever..

She didnt mind though and never stopped giving,
Always remaining hidden behind the nearby curtains..

We sat without a prayer and started with a fervor -
And when we finished with our lavish meal
The table was still full, with dishes untasted..

We had our fill and left the rest
Until we would feel hungry again,
If not today then tomorrow
If not tomorrow then the day after..

After all, who could lay claim
On what does not belong to them
Or even to the lady beyond..

Friday, December 15, 2006

In the princess’ robes

Who are these O Haze, who know not the meaning of love,

The one over there, he wants me for the knowledge I happen to possess,
And gives me pieces of worthless metal, to do his petty biddings.

The ignorant one here, she wants me for the comfort that I give her,
Not realizing that it lasts no longer than a mere bubble.

The hopeful ones yonder want me so I shall hold them,
When they tread their last few miles on the passive earth.

And the one beside me, he looks no deeper than my beguiling skin.

Is there no one who can love me true, just for what I am,
A silly little girl in the princess’ robes?


The golden orb was sinking yonder,
Signaling the crest of another night, and a new life.

The narrow path wound its way,
Through the bushes, hills and plains.
Leading the believers, to its enigmatic destination.

Unmindful of the heartless elements,
Undaunted by the undulating terrain,
He lay on his back, in the dingy little ditch,
By the side of the brash little path.

It was layered with leaves, dull and decaying,
Maggots and insects fought for the filth,
That adorned the walls of the shallow home.

His clothes hung limp, flimsy and tattered,
Not serving any purpose than
Vainly trying to shield,
His essentials from the eyes, of the vulgar and the vain.

Battered by Nature, let down by man,
His torso lay still, responding to no impulse.

Nothing he had to call his own,
Expect the sadistic elixir that kept him alive.

Neither man nor beast even bothered to wander
Near the desolate den of neglect and ruin.

Then came the yellow moon from behind the mountains yonder,
To cast a faint glow on the smile that hovered,
On the lips of the contented slave of Father Time.

Twilight Ripples

The cheerful chirping of the gaily birds
And the innocent laughter of the guileless children
Have faded with the retreating rays,
Of the impartial morning guide.

The seething fury of the fiery volcano
Has subsided for a reason unknown
And the lashing waves, even the bubbling froth,
Are now still, perhaps in introspection,
Of its seemingly uneventful existence.

The resonating chants from the ‘holy’ mouths
Are now eternally lost to the cleansing winds.

Even the faint rustle of the leaves and grasses,
Has died down, probably in submission,
To the soothing calm of this enigmatic evening….

But even the embalming silence of the tranquil evening fails to quell
The resonating ripples of my orphaned senses...

Soothing Wounds

Let the raging red flames burn me bare,
So the words from mortal mouths can do no more

Let the unforgiving sharp thorns pierce me deep,
So no human actions can pain me further

Let the swirling waters of the torrid rivers
Toss me into the heart of the desolate islands,
So no other confinement can isolate me more.

Let the sword from Hell’s own forge stab my back
So even the betrayal by my very self would mean nothing.

Let the denuding gale blowing forth,
Pound my soul to threadbare tatters,
Lest no other attempt can break my inner will.

Let the numbing icy blizzards
Freeze the blood coursing through my mortal torso
So I never feel the pain when it bursts through my veins

Let the shining morning light nearly blind my eye
So I can bear to see any sight
That would send the rest into a fright.