Sunday, July 16, 2006

Quest for peace

The cheerful chirping of the gaily birds
And the innocent laughter of the guileless children
Have long faded with the retreating rays
Of the impartial morning guide.

Even the seething fury of the fiery volcano
Has subsided for reason unknown

And the lashing waves, even the bubbling froth
Are now still, perhaps in introspection
Of their seemingly trivial existence

The resonating chants from the holy mouths
Are now lost to the cleansing winds,

Even the faint rustle of the leaves of the proud trees
Has ceased, probably in submission
To the soothing calm of this unusual evening.

But even this pervading silence fails to quell
The resonating ripples of my orphaned senses

1 comment:

Karthik Nagarajan said...

In retrospect...peace is difficult to qualify. There is peace in a soft summer breeze as well as in the eye of a terrible storm. There is peace in chaos, order, everything and nothing but it is up to the individual to find it for himself.