Thursday, June 15, 2006

The butterfly

It was a gory sight indeed,
With his arms flailed and legs apart,
The crimson fluid staining his clothes.

An innocent child was the unwitting cause,
The breeze an ally for this ghastly end.
Running after the flitting fly,
She caused him to veer and fall,
Into the great depths of the winding abyss.

An impulsive martyr for an unfathomable reason,
His eyes were veiled with a look of shock.
The crowd that had gathered feverishly tried,
To feel his pulse and pump his chest.
But their frantic efforts were to no avail,
For Father Time would never tarry,
While executing his cold-blooded duty.

Searching in vain for the life – giving nectar,
The gaily colored butterfly
Settled on his stained red bosom.

The little child stood nonchalantly by,
Staring intently at the blue black fly

A woman screamed and another fainted
Pairs of hands pulled him up
To help him make his final journey.

Drops of tears welled up in her eyes,
For, her gaily colored butterfly
Had finally escaped on the sly……..

The Night of the Strangers

The soothing evening breeze heralded a night of life giving downpour,
Darkness stifled the last rays of the retreating sun,
Drops of the heavenly elixir caressed my virgin skin
And the speeding western winds sang the rhythm of life.
I talked with the silver stars and danced with the gurgling stream….

But soon the steeds cam racing, to take me yonder,
To the land of accustomed strangers….
Dragging my reluctant feet, I entered the diminutive coach,
That was filled with hazy faces of familiar strangers.
Torrents of unforgiving rain sliced through the flimsy canvas,
Drenching me to the very depths of my soul.
The ghoulish black of the consuming night
Engulfed the last embers of surviving hope.

Looking for succor to the lone fading star,
I found it hiding behind impenetrable clouds….

The flimsy stems of the mighty trees, swayed with fervor, in gay abandon.
The blades of light came sharp and cruel,
Making my heart quiver with fear,

But it was the look of lust in the cold stranger’s eye,
That sent waves of fear through my body and soul..
Neither cloak nor night could shield the treasure
From the penetrating gaze of the icy blue eyes.

Wishing for company, from angel, even demon,
On this bare rainy day, I found none….

Even the elements seemed to conspire,
Though ignorant I was of their unfathomable reasons

Clutching at his words for comfort,
And leaning on the reminiscences of the heavenly evening,
I withstood the ravages of the brutal night,
To finally lie in submission, in the lap of the stranger I love the most…………

The child

The vulgar yellow of the peddler’s balloon
Appeals more to her,
Than the intoxicating luster of pure gold.

The tuneless melody from her mother’s lips
Lulls her to blissful sleep
Than the orchestrated music of the mechanical recorder.

Pink cotton candy off the shelf of the sweetmeat seller
Elates her innocent taste buds
Than the immaculate buffet of the sophisticated kitchens.

O God, can’t you give to me,
Her innocent mind, her virgin thoughts,
To help me wade through this sludge of life?

The abode

The eternal darkness swathed me in complacence.
Isolated, yet unorphaned, I existed in soothing peace.

My immature faculties were not bothered
About the yet undiscovered daylight.

Suffocated by the sea of her joyous tears,
I subsisted on her everyday sacrifices.

Though unrecognized by the outside world,
My arrival was looked forward,
For a reason I couldn’t fathom and by people I didn’t realize.

Unable to even feel the warmth of her selfless love,
I lived like a parasite, greedy and ignorant.

Trying to break free from the confines
Of the wholesome enclosure, I kicked and pushed
At the supple walls of the unlikely prison,
Never aware of the pain I caused and the joy she derived.

One final day, I paved the way
And broke free from the bonds
To land in a world so cruel and bare.

She had borne me with suffering
That would last her a lifetime,
Yet the cord was there, binding me to her,
Unwilling to break, and never to be severed.

I crawled back to her bawling,
And she looked back at me smiling
Through her tears of joy and pain,
Renewing my hopes and wiping away the fears.

But still I long to return
To my initial solitary abode,
For it was there that I learnt
That someone breathed for me,
And loved me even before I was born….

The shadow beyond….

The summer heat, scorching and intense,
Vent its fury on his unclothed back.
The load was heavy and food was scarce,
But the will in his heart was well in place.
And so he pulled and trudged his way,
Through ranges, cliffs and heady pines.
His obstinate mind and youthful body
Bowed for nothing but bread and water.
Seasons came and seasons went,
Spring, autumn and desolate winter,
Nothing made him wait or tarry
Though no one dared his burden carry.

Then she came with spring in her eyes and summer in her face,
Shattering his will and slowing his pace.

But his aim was there, to reach the top,
Neither damsel nor demon could make him stop.
So he made her his, and went his way,
And she followed him in tandem sway
Days became months and months, years,
Father time had a small sly smile,
Weakening his will and slackening his pace.

Nevertheless he trudged and dragged,
His raw muscles threatening to break.

Her gentle hands massaged his arms
And soothed his nerves that were badly frayed.

Sweat and blood flowed unabated,
Sending waves of fear through her heart.
She tore her girdle and bandaged his wounds,
Washing them with her virgin tears.
The maiden flowers and fresh spring breeze,
Didn’t impact her in the least.

The rocky path lay before,
The last lap to the ultimate goal.
Spurred by the sight in the distance,
With renewed hope and new found energy,
He bade his failing strength push forward,
Only to stumble on the stones and thorns.

She fetched him water, in her trembling hands,
Egging him on towards the pinnacle.

Pulling himself and his unwilling burden,
He willed himself for the glory that would ensue
The terrible agony that he now endured.

The few seconds seemed eons,
And finally he stood,
On the epoch of victory of his self-made dream.

The thundering applause and heady glory,
Drowned the frantic throbbing of his fragile heart.
His very soul brimmed with elation,
Drinking in the praise and adulation of the vulgar crowd.

In the dust and din that covered his mortal torso,
Her contented smile faded in the distance…

Crimson Desire

She struts proud on the polished floor,
Her soles lined with the finest of gold.
Diamonds and emeralds vying to adorn her inviting physique.

She sends them swooning with a flick of her mane,
The concubine in the chambers of even ‘virtuous’ minds.

She haunts my dreams, even living daylights.
I hear her name on the lips of my beloved,
I see her in the fakir’s bowl,
And the longing eyes of the guileless child.

She brings to life, even a near corpse,
And casts her veil betwixt hearts,
That until now had known no knavery.

I want to tear apart her treacherous veil,
And kill her with my bare hands,
The stains of sanguine would adorn them well.
Giving me pleasure beyond Heaven and Hell.

I shall bring the fires from Hell’s own forge,
To burn the traces of her devious hair,
And toss her ashes into the farthest space,
Least anyone even sets their gaze,
On the sinful remnants of her clandestine face.

Oh ye Gods, are you listening?
I ask of you nothing but this,
The will and strength to commit the sin,
Of quenching my thirst for the crimson desire…….


The waking hours of the still dawn
Brought with it another day,
Telling her that she had a few more miles to cover,
Before she could rest, in the lap of eternity.

Thus far, she had not noticed what lay in her way,
But today was to be different……..
The virgin rays of the dawning sun
Played with the dew kissed grasses of the early morn,
Effusing an ethereal glow of unearthly radiance,
To the wholesome scene before her eyes.

The door stood slightly ajar, neither attracting nor beckoning.
But it was a solace, a refuge, for her weary mind.
Curious, though uninterested, her entry went unnoticed,
Among the labyrinths of the murky neighborhood.
The walls were dull and the paint was peeling,
But there was something in there,
That touched a chord, and made her sing.
The quaint windows and pallid vents
Brought a subtle scent to the morbid air……
The gentle fire and summer rays
Lent warmth to her frozen heart….
The anonymous strains of soft music
Put to rest the wavering thoughts of her turbulent mind…
The gurgling white waters of the bubbly stream
Put a hint of a smile on her very pale lips….

Her very soul sang the rhythm of life,
For she had found a new meaning,
Amidst pain and strife…

But already, the golden orb beyond, was sinking,
Signifying another end, another dawn……….

She knew in the depths of her reborn soul,
That she could tarry no more,
For she could never belong here…
Her calling was elsewhere,
Though she knew not where,
But her heart would carry the impressions
Of the dawn that opened her eyes
To a new world, a new life,
Forever and forever……..

The unfinished mural..

This is the first of my dabbles in poetry....

The path stretched before,
An unending ribbon of mystery,
It was a long journey to this point,
A very eventful one they say
I cannot recollect the very beginnings,
With my intellect, limited as it is, to the sensory pleasures,
But something in me says, I would have started off much better,
For, now I stand on the threshold of my unborn dream,
It stands before me,
Waiting to be shaped and caressed,
My heart reaches out to touch and embrace it,
Forbidden by the origin of the passion, which brought me into this world,
I withdraw my extended hand and tear my eyes away from the alluring scene…
Only to behold a screen of fuzzy images and frightening color.

They assure me with convincing appeal
That things will be better
Trepidation fills my mind,
What will lay ahead…
Should I abandon my dream, my life?
Is life meant to be distorted by
Unseen and omnipresent entities
Which have seemingly no consideration for independent ideals?