Thursday, June 15, 2006

The Night of the Strangers

The soothing evening breeze heralded a night of life giving downpour,
Darkness stifled the last rays of the retreating sun,
Drops of the heavenly elixir caressed my virgin skin
And the speeding western winds sang the rhythm of life.
I talked with the silver stars and danced with the gurgling stream….

But soon the steeds cam racing, to take me yonder,
To the land of accustomed strangers….
Dragging my reluctant feet, I entered the diminutive coach,
That was filled with hazy faces of familiar strangers.
Torrents of unforgiving rain sliced through the flimsy canvas,
Drenching me to the very depths of my soul.
The ghoulish black of the consuming night
Engulfed the last embers of surviving hope.

Looking for succor to the lone fading star,
I found it hiding behind impenetrable clouds….

The flimsy stems of the mighty trees, swayed with fervor, in gay abandon.
The blades of light came sharp and cruel,
Making my heart quiver with fear,

But it was the look of lust in the cold stranger’s eye,
That sent waves of fear through my body and soul..
Neither cloak nor night could shield the treasure
From the penetrating gaze of the icy blue eyes.

Wishing for company, from angel, even demon,
On this bare rainy day, I found none….

Even the elements seemed to conspire,
Though ignorant I was of their unfathomable reasons

Clutching at his words for comfort,
And leaning on the reminiscences of the heavenly evening,
I withstood the ravages of the brutal night,
To finally lie in submission, in the lap of the stranger I love the most…………

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