Thursday, June 15, 2006


The waking hours of the still dawn
Brought with it another day,
Telling her that she had a few more miles to cover,
Before she could rest, in the lap of eternity.

Thus far, she had not noticed what lay in her way,
But today was to be different……..
The virgin rays of the dawning sun
Played with the dew kissed grasses of the early morn,
Effusing an ethereal glow of unearthly radiance,
To the wholesome scene before her eyes.

The door stood slightly ajar, neither attracting nor beckoning.
But it was a solace, a refuge, for her weary mind.
Curious, though uninterested, her entry went unnoticed,
Among the labyrinths of the murky neighborhood.
The walls were dull and the paint was peeling,
But there was something in there,
That touched a chord, and made her sing.
The quaint windows and pallid vents
Brought a subtle scent to the morbid air……
The gentle fire and summer rays
Lent warmth to her frozen heart….
The anonymous strains of soft music
Put to rest the wavering thoughts of her turbulent mind…
The gurgling white waters of the bubbly stream
Put a hint of a smile on her very pale lips….

Her very soul sang the rhythm of life,
For she had found a new meaning,
Amidst pain and strife…

But already, the golden orb beyond, was sinking,
Signifying another end, another dawn……….

She knew in the depths of her reborn soul,
That she could tarry no more,
For she could never belong here…
Her calling was elsewhere,
Though she knew not where,
But her heart would carry the impressions
Of the dawn that opened her eyes
To a new world, a new life,
Forever and forever……..

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