Thursday, June 15, 2006

The shadow beyond….

The summer heat, scorching and intense,
Vent its fury on his unclothed back.
The load was heavy and food was scarce,
But the will in his heart was well in place.
And so he pulled and trudged his way,
Through ranges, cliffs and heady pines.
His obstinate mind and youthful body
Bowed for nothing but bread and water.
Seasons came and seasons went,
Spring, autumn and desolate winter,
Nothing made him wait or tarry
Though no one dared his burden carry.

Then she came with spring in her eyes and summer in her face,
Shattering his will and slowing his pace.

But his aim was there, to reach the top,
Neither damsel nor demon could make him stop.
So he made her his, and went his way,
And she followed him in tandem sway
Days became months and months, years,
Father time had a small sly smile,
Weakening his will and slackening his pace.

Nevertheless he trudged and dragged,
His raw muscles threatening to break.

Her gentle hands massaged his arms
And soothed his nerves that were badly frayed.

Sweat and blood flowed unabated,
Sending waves of fear through her heart.
She tore her girdle and bandaged his wounds,
Washing them with her virgin tears.
The maiden flowers and fresh spring breeze,
Didn’t impact her in the least.

The rocky path lay before,
The last lap to the ultimate goal.
Spurred by the sight in the distance,
With renewed hope and new found energy,
He bade his failing strength push forward,
Only to stumble on the stones and thorns.

She fetched him water, in her trembling hands,
Egging him on towards the pinnacle.

Pulling himself and his unwilling burden,
He willed himself for the glory that would ensue
The terrible agony that he now endured.

The few seconds seemed eons,
And finally he stood,
On the epoch of victory of his self-made dream.

The thundering applause and heady glory,
Drowned the frantic throbbing of his fragile heart.
His very soul brimmed with elation,
Drinking in the praise and adulation of the vulgar crowd.

In the dust and din that covered his mortal torso,
Her contented smile faded in the distance…

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